Thursday 30 April 2015

TEACH THE WORLD - H.E.L.P (Humane Education Learning Programs)

 We at Raise Ur Paw, a Canadian Federally Incorporated Not-For-Profit, are currently endeavouring on unveiling H.E.L.P (Humane Education Learning Programs) in which we hope to establish and present within school curriculums and branch out worldwide. These programs are to produce a foundation of Education, Encouragement and Empowerment – plus offer resources and strategies for awareness, information, and skill development in efforts to foster a more compassionate and respectful world in which we live in towards life and environment.

   We believe that taking part and permitting such programs into educational institutes and homes, will give individuals the knowledge, passion and expertise to not only find resolutions to the most crucial issues and challenges in which life faces at this time, but also become informed of ways to help educate, give confidence, and make others powerful to participate in furthering the journey towards a better world and future, and create an impact for future generations.

   Our Humane Education Learning Programs (H.E.L.P) will engage individuals of all ages and provide them with the guidance in which to develop the skills to live their lives with compassion, empathy and new ways to observe the issues and dilemmas being faced by not only our innocent animals but by the environment as well.

   We have chosen educational institutes and homes of individuals, due to the fact that they are suitable environments and atmospheres which are main components towards development and educational experience.  It is within these environments that not only knowledge is taught, but where information is assembled and individuals are provided with the opportunities to progress and practice such skills that are essential for the protection and promotion of animal rights/welfare and also the welfare and well-being of the environment.

    With Sex Education, Science, Health and many other subjects in educational curriculum today, we believe that Humane Education should be another focus point in which individuals can use in their everyday lives.   The development of such knowledge would be beneficial to allow individuals to focus on the changing world, participate in being part of making a positive change, and secure a wide range of experience and sustainability that is already offered through available and up to date humane education information.

   Our H.E.L.P (Humane Education Learning Programs) will supply participants and individuals with more than just a learning experience, but also provide to them an essential component and contribution to their developmental process into making a difference in the world we reside in, through involvement, experience, expression of views and opinions, information gathering, turning compassion and respect for life into actions and integrating such wisdom, expertise and abilities into their daily lives, work and world.


Your Support And Participation Would Be Greatly Appreciated
Thank You.

1 comment:

  1. could I do this in united states in ohio ?
