Saturday 18 April 2015

The Rebecca Francis Story - Our Opinion

I decided to write this blog entry after reading about the backlash that Rebecca Francis had received after a photo of herself laying beside a dead giraffe smiling, hit social media like a tsunami.  If there is one thing that I have observed is that Mr. Ricky Gervais, is not one to hold back, especially when it comes to the cruelty and inhumanity that some individuals put our innocent voiceless through, and trust me whether male, female or industry, if you are going to be cruel, disrespectful or inhumane to a living being, you are definitely putting yourself out there.

   In my opinion the whole accusing Mr. Gervais of using his “influence” to specifically target female hunters is something that Mr. Gervais would never do, or intend to do, he states his opinions as he sees them and it doesn’t matter, like I said, whether you are female, male or industry – he will use his voice to spread awareness and bring attention to the world on the issues at hand. 

His question that he put with the photo “What must’ve happened to you in your life to make you want to kill a beautiful animal and then next to it smiling?” is a question that countless of us have asked when we observe such photos like this – it would be the same as if someone murdered a person and laid next to them smiling for a photo opportunity...  and then try to excuse this form of disrespect by claiming that the giraffe went to the villagers for food, necessities etc.  Does that really excuse the fact?

    According to one article in which I read, Mrs. Francis stated that she chose to honor the giraffe’s life by killing it, but along with this honor she took that moment to take the photo opportunity to establish a disrespectful act, instead of just doing what the villagers had asked her to do, and I don’t think they asked her to take a selfie?

     Like many other trophy hunters (MEN AND WOMEN) who have decided that it would fun and enjoyable to take such images like this – it is those images that are putting a bad reputation upon conservation, and making the country in which these killings occur look bad – making people believe that they are permitting such disrespect and dishonor towards innocent life. 

    I do want to add that I do not believe in death threats or raping of children etc, because there is already so much hatred, cruelty and inhumanity out there in this world – but I do believe that such outrage and negativity that these images burn inside individual’s minds and hearts should be put towards ending this issue and concern that has been targeting and claiming countless lives for centuries and empower individuals to become involved in helping save and protect life, that should be the influence and drive.

 Together United We Can Make A Difference – But we need to Raise Our Paws Worldwide.

Thank You

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