Monday 19 September 2016

The DOLPHIN FREEDOM FOREVER (DFF) MOVEMENT: Let's Make This Movement A Reality!

  We at RAISE UR PAW, a Canadian Federally Incorporated Not-For-Profit, are writing to you as members of humanity to please JOIN countless others in support of the DOLPHIN FREEDOM FOREVER (DFF) MOVEMENT.

   The Dolphin Freedom Forever (DFF) Movement was established by our organization with the hopes of removing such chains of enslavement from these sentient and highly-social beings, through the retirement of captive dolphins back to the wild or within sea sanctuaries, to ban importation/exportation and breeding programs, and end the exploitation for entertainment and profit-making purposes.

But this success can only happen with your support and unity...

   We believe that with the battles being fought and the changes being made for captive orcas, in which the world has played enormous roles in, that such branches of historic milestones and strength and determination can also extend towards the countless other innocent lives in which are enduring and facing the same sentence and fate throughout the world... and that is why we are coming to you as humanity to help and support this movement and make this aim a reality.

How You Can Help Today:

  • Donate Your Voice & Sign The Petition:
  • Use Social Media As A Foundation:  Social Media is one great way to share and spread awareness - please take a second of your time to spread the message through facebook to friends, family, other groups etc or take to twitter and tweet out the hashtag: #DolphinFreedomForever - even the littlest bit of support and aid can make a world of difference in the lives of those in need.
  • Extend the Branch For Freedom:  The continuous actions and raising of public awareness is imperative to get this ball rolling in the right direction, campaigning, protesting and sharing the valuable information worldwide about the issues at hand and how support and unity can truly make a difference in the lives of captive beings.
  • Reaching Those Of Political Power & Influence: Writing, phoning, emailing or visiting your Members of Parliament is a step worth taking,  along with your support, their support helps greatly in seeing changes made - their voices and support brought to the table can increase the chances at making this movement a reality and bring further awareness on the issues at hand. 
  • Contact Your Prime Minister/President and Speak Out : The urging and pressure needs to be put upon your Prime Minister/President in order for such a movement to shine brighter for the lives of captive beings - so please take this opportunity, to call, write, or email and urge them to take part in the fight to save and protect lives. 

    It is these actions and voices that will make all the difference, for if such united forces can make difference for captive orcas, the same effects can happen in the lives of captive dolphin and other marine animals as well.

 We would like to extend great thanks and much appreciation to the countless individuals, organizations and the removal of blindness from society about captivity, for all the dedication, tireless hardwork, and determination that has helped to path to the future success that will one day bring an end to captivity.

Thank You 
Follow Us On Twitter @RaiseUrPaw

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