Sunday 23 November 2014

Stop Gadhimai Slaughter - Our Open Letter to Government of Nepal.

Dear Government of Nepal,
       We as humanity, are coming to you in hopes of pleading one last time to put a stop to the World's largest animal sacrifice - during the Gadhimai Festival on Nov. 28th and 29th - in which you hold every five years.
      We truly understand that every person nationwide has their religion, their beliefs in what is right and wrong, and also the honor of tradition aiming at showing pride and respect towards a God or Goddess in which they worship and believe in - but we also understand that sacrificing approx. 500 thousand living animals - or even sacrificing one - in not only wrong, but also a mass mistreatment and torture to these living souls for the sake of a tradition and religion. 
    To slaughter so many in such inhumane and disrespectful ways, is an outrage and disgrace, not only to others around the world, but to also many residents of your country - believing that this slaughter is not a "religious act" but as a primary profitable enterprise, and there is no justifiable reason to permit such extreme cruel and inhumane actions - whether it be religious or profitable - murder is wrong.
    Please understand that no amount of money (profit) is worth this brutality and inhumanity that this mass slaughter brings - and the fear and terror that these beautiful beings endure is more than just heartbreaking but has no place in a civilized world today - and it's important that we step away from the violence and mercilessness towards animals, and show the Greatness of Our Nation by sowing compassion in honor of those in which we believe, and not shed the blood of the innocent.
    So we plead, for the Greatness of your Nation, Ban this ritual - Don't Sacrifice The Innocent, End the Brutality and Animal Sacrifice.

Raise Ur Paw, and humanity of the World.

1 comment:

  1. For every animal that dies, that is 500,000 according to your stupid ritual, a human should die, whether that be your mother, Father, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, in fact who cares as long as for every animal that dies one of you dies, is that not fair cause I think it is ?
